Okay, so maybe not a parable but more like a talking points mini-discussion. In the women's meeting today we were chatting about adversity and the two types of adversity (adversity we could choose to avoid and adversity that is completely out of our control). It was a lovely conversation, but it finished with a poignant analogy. I'll have to sketch out a pic to illustrate it further. Until I do, you'll need to conjur up a mental image of a day of kite flying.
The kite is us, children of God.
The wind is our trials, tribulations, adversity. Just as these things help us to grow, the wind helps a kite to soar ever higher.
The string that provides control and strength is the Gospel. It guides us, it anchors us, and it helps us to fly higher in the wind.
The kite tail is our experiences; our tool kit, if you will, that helps us make it thru future adversity with the knowledge and strength we gained from prior trials. Line upon line, precept upon precept. The tail balances the kite, allowing it to fly higher. The bows on our kite tail can be things such as prayer, scripture study, living within simple means, etc.
The tree that can ensnare a wayward kite is Satan. A kite can be rescued from a tree and be repaired, made whole again, through the Atonement of Christ and repentance.
The kitemaker is Heavenly Father.
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