Friday, December 16, 2011

Good Intentions Gone Awry

The plan for today was to eyeball some houses and hit Sams Club to restock. Oh, and to have a couple of people for dinner from church.

The actuality? We never made it to Sams Club, we didn't eyeball the houses we intended to, and after rushing home to get an alternative meal started for our guests (since we didn't make it to Sams) they called to let us know they weren't going to be able to make it after all...

Which ended up being a good thing.

Before we left the house I thought I'd be brilliant and start the upright freezer defrosting. My difficulty with gauging spatial bit me in the butt---we came home to a lake under the freezer. I think I managed to get it mopped up before it could damage the walls.

So, the freezer is defrosted and wiped out. DH's beverage fridge on top of the freezer has been dusted, as has the back of the freezer. The walls around the freezer have been wiped down, the floor underneath has been cleaned; all sides of the freezer have been wiped down and fingerprints removed.

The black shelving was pulled out as well because some of the lake had seeped under it. The floor was well vacuumed and I decided to remove the top layer of the shelving and turn it sideways to barely NOT fit under the cabinet. DH's honey-do list just got longer--I need him to trim one set of "legs" so the shelving unit will fit just under the cabinet. That will make it easier to use the shelves, and the shoe tray can sit in front of it without cluttering up the main space.

And dinner? The kids ended up making themselves some oatmeal.

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