Tuesday, October 18, 2011

{Day 18} Tackle It Tuesday--Shoes

When we moved the driveway to help resolve an erosion issue, we also changed which door we entered the house through.  So now we use the utility room door, which feeds through the kitchen and into the dining section of our public area.  It certainly isn't a guest-worthy entrance, but it also isn't very functional for us. 

I've been tripping over shoes, jackets, bags, and varied accoutrements for months while trying to determine the best reshuffle of our small spaces.  At first I thought there were two possibilities--where the black shelves are in the utility room, or where the tool cart is in the breakfast nook, but after venturing out on some rainy days it became apparent that the shoes needed to be confined to the utility room.

So I revamped the shelves and the bottom shelf holds the box of shoes (we need to find another box that fits better), the hats/gloves basket and the scarves basket.  The shoe tray is directly in front of it.  And the top of the dryer is the launchpad zone.

I still don't have a place for the vacuums to live, and we'll have to trek through the house to the front door to hang the jackets when we get to that season--but at least there's no excuse for puddles and mud to be tracked ALL the way through the house!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

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