Sunday, October 30, 2011

On a Quest for Snacks

I've finally sat down with the computer to google for snacks--I hold to the concept that if I can conquer the snack department then I won't feel like there is nothing for me to eat.

First I googled: snacks, dairy free, soy free, oat free
That wasn't helpful since the first two hits was Cheerios (an oat cereal), and granola bars (again oats...).  Also it asked if I meant "snacks, dairy free, soy free, wheat free."  I wanted to respond with a "did I stutter?" but that's not a helpful reaction. *lol*

So instead I changed my order: snacks, oat free, dairy free, soy free

And it gave me Jeanette and her intriguing granola bars.  I was bummed at first because they include nut butter, but then I realized that her substitution of quinoa flakes for quick oats could be applied to our favorite granola bar recipe.  I'll try it out as soon as I have quinoa flakes!

Unfortunately, her link was the only ting useful to me from the first page of results.  I miss  Their recipe sifter let you sort out recipes with certain ingredients.  Now that has taken over you can't remove ingredients from the search parameters.  *sigh*  Upon further searching, I found the recipe sifter right underneath my nose.  *roll eyes*

The search continues....

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marshmallows for my cocoa